Eric taylor

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How to overcome Cheating in Online Courses

The ease of cheating in online courses varies by the institution and class, experts say.
Instructors will rattle off a number of reasons why online students should think twice about cheating: they learn less, they cheapen their documentation and in some cases, they even get caught.
Still, the note falls on deaf ears.
“A lot of people cheat in online courses,” says David Pritchard, a physics professor at MIT who has studied academic dishonesty. “There are only some people who cheat a lot.”
Online students are not more likely to violate rules than their on-campus equivalents, says Bernard Bull of Concordia University Wisconsin, who has studied cheating in online classes at two liberal arts colleges. Among those who admitted to cheating, about 40% reported doing so in online quizzes, says Bull, who serves as assistant vice president of academics. About 13% reported cheating on papers and...

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Education classes in summer vacation looks peculiar but in actual fact it is helpful for students

Summer brain drain in child could be eluded, if you instate him in any of the Summer Tutoring Programs to improve his or her skills and earn the lost threads in considerate the previous year subjects. The primary purpose of these programs is to implant hope in the students to move in the next year with positive vibes as well as upbeat spirits.

Summer Tutoring Courses- significant targets

• Made to order to the core to evade the setbacks of the routine schooling with its hindering side effects on the students

• Remunerating for the lost grades of the preceding year with skill centered workshops in altogether subjects

• Providing room for the students to implementation their brain when they usually tend to succumb to summer slide with inertia as well as inactivity in academics- a lapse that closes in on the students over a long period say, nearly one third of their duration in a Score...

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