Types of contracts and performance-based acquisition - Supply Chain Management
Question :Imagine that you are working on a two-million-dollar procurement for the purchase of vehicles for the fleet of trucks and cars to be used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection. These vehicles will be used for off-road driving on dirt roads in Arizona. Your manager has asked you to select the type of contract to be used for the vehicle purchase.
Choose to respond to this scenario from a government or a contractor perspective. If you select government, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a government employee (or military personnel) receiving the proposal from the contractor. If you select contractor, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a contractor employee submitting a proposal to the government.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
Examine the types of contracts and performance-based acquisition. Select the type of contract you would like to use for the vehicle purchase.
Evaluate the pros and cons of sealed bidding contracts and negotiated contracts, emphasizing which one would be best for this purchase……….
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