What are the needs for developing the technology in the agricultural area?

Farmers are the main actors in the countries to grow the source of food for the other people. In the past years, there were a lot of traditional processes which were used to be performed by the farmers in the area. In the case of describing risk management in all types of industry, this plays the crucial factor. The risk factors are the main issues which might reduce the rate of production for the farmers. On the other hand, financial support is another important part which was not included in the process of cultivation. It has also been found that the natural disasters such as flood and drought are the main problem which is faced by the farmers in the cultivation process.

Also read: Sustainable scientific methods of farming

However, the equipment is also designed as lean and back dated which is also a problematic factor among all. The reduction of the outdated items can also be responsible to mitigate the success level from the life of the farmers. Thus, the advancement in technology needs to be done to deliver the success rate of the farming area. However, financial support also plays the crucial role in the overall matter to introduce new opportunities to the farmers. Farmers can also be rewarded to the real life heroes to encourage them to perform better in the area.

Research and development is one of the main factors which are included in the overall matter. Due to the poor technology in farming, it has been found that the profit rate of the process is not growing well. Proper approach to the research and development area can also increase the rate for becoming successful among the rivals. The advanced technology such as traction engine and portable engine is one of the major equipment which is used in a wide range to use in the daily agricultural performance. The advanced equipment is also useful for maintaining the superior level of production in the area.

Moreover, it can also be said that technological advancement is also useful to reduce the risk from the natural disaster in the agricultural areas. The concept of Dam is one of the most effective technical advances in farming which is useful to mitigate the flood issues. However, at the time of drought this technique can also be used to maintain the process of farming in a better way. On the other hand, the autonomous and advanced style of cultivation is also helpful for the farmers to ensure the sustainability in the professional structure (Thong et al. 2018). There are a lot of projects which are performed in the country such as the UK, for emphasizing the overall process of farming to a superior level. Financial support is another important factor which is included in the study to know about the investment of the stakeholders to enhance the cultivation process.

Have a look at: Get Accustomed To The Idea Of Natural Disasters


In the case of describing the new and trendy technologies in the cultivation, all the people are keen to adopt the same in the UK. The investment is mainly performed by the UK government to ensure a sustainable nature of the firming. It has been found that £22 million has been allotted by the UK government for advancing the new technologies in the country (Country side, 2020). There are a lot of mega projects which are performed by the vendors in the country for ensuring the sustainable nature of the farmers. The technological advancement in the agricultural area is increasing the self sufficient nature in the country. 78% of increase in self sufficient has been found in the UK which is the result of financial and technical development (Country side, 2020). It has been found that the demand for food and drink has increased by £23.6 billion in 2019, up 4.3% on 2018 in the UK (Country side, 2020). Thus, the necessity of the development has also taken a huge part in the industrial area.

Research and development is one of the most crucial parts of which can increase the overall process of advancement in the agricultural area. It has also been found that more than 27% of investment has been increased by the government to invest the same in the firming sector for development (Country side, 2020). There are also a lot of campaigns which are performed in the country to enhance the knowledge of the farmers to adopt the advancement in the professional performances. Moreover, the overall process of the cultivation can enhance the power of the farmers to act as transnational actors in the country.


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